Beaded fabric finish for use in perchloroethylene and hydrocarbon solvent systems.

CUSTOM-CARE FINISH will restore limp, lifeless garments to the “just bought” look and feel. It contains a special formula which, when added to solvent, restores the vibrance to textiles that can be lost through wear and repeated cleanings. The result is not only a better-looking garment, but one that resists wrinkling and holds its press longer. CUSTOM-CARE FINISH not only revitalizes all drycleanable fabrics, all year round, it shortens finishing time.

Gives “New Life” to Fabrics™

Restore Limp, Lifeless Garments to their Original Look and Feel.

Customers notice detail. And when the look and texture of their garments are improved, you can be sure they’ll appreciate it.

CUSTOM-CARE FINISH will restore limp, lifeless garments to that “just bought” look and feel. CUSTOM-CARE FINISH contains a special formula which, when added to the solvent, restores the vibrancy to textiles that can be lost through wear and repeated cleanings. The result is not only a better-looking garment but one that resists wrinkling and holds its press longer.

CUSTOM-CARE FINISH not only revitalizes all dry cleanable fabrics, all year round, but it also shortens finishing time. CUSTOM-CARE FINISH should be an important part of your process – for a noticeable difference to your customers.

Restores Garments to “Like-New” Condition
Wear and repeated cleanings remove the original finishes that give new clothes their special qualities. CUSTOM-CARE FINISH restores garments to their original look and feel, reflecting the high quality of your work.

Helps Garments Resist Wrinkling
CUSTOM-CARE FINISH protects garments after they leave your plant. They will resist wrinkling due to handling, crowding on racks, or in your customer’s closet.

Everything You Clean Will Benefit
Regardless of whether a garment’s style calls for a gently rolling lapel, a crisp pleat, sharp crease, or the soft drape of a puffed sleeve, CUSTOM-CARE FINISH gives garments the right look. CUSTOM-CARE FINISH is effective on all textiles – synthetics, natural fibers and blends.

Shortens Finishing Time 
Pressing is faster because it’s easier to restore the original look to garments.

Makes Spotting Easier
Garments treated with CUSTOM-CARE FINISH are easier to spot. The protective coating provided by CUSTOM-CARE FINISH helps prevent stains and spots from becoming set while being worn by the consumer prior to drycleaning.

Please see the CUSTOM-CARE FINISH catalog page for full detailed usage instructions.

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