H2PRO® Degreaser

Provides effective removal of a wide range of greases and oils

H2PRO Degreaser is a uniquely formulated product that is ideal for wetcleaning loads where there is a higher than average level of greases, oils and particulate matter on items. It is effective across a wide range of temperatures and water conditions, which makes H2PRO Degreaser a perfect choice for use in diverse water-based cleaning applications from professional wetcleaning to both consumer and commercial laundry machines.


H2PRO Degreaser is a uniquely formulated product that is ideal for wetcleaning loads where there is a higher than average level of greases, oils and particulate matter on items. H2PRO Degreaser is effective across a wide range of temperatures and water conditions, which makes H2PRO Degreaser a perfect choice for use in diverse water-based cleaning applications from professional wetcleaning to both consumer and industrial type laundry machines.

Helps Remove a Wide Range of Greasy & Oily Stains
H2PRO Degreaser is effective on:

  • Tar
  • Asphalt
  • Grease
  • Paint
  • Oils
  • Cosmetics
  • Oily Foods
  • Other Greasy and Oily Stains
  • Versatile: Effective in Wide Temperature Range

Works as a degreaser and emulsifier even at lower temperatures (90º – 140º F/ 32º -60ºC).

Boosts Degreasing Capabilities of Detergents
When used in conjunction with H2PRO detergents, H2PRO Degreaser further increases the already effective degreasing capabilities of these detergents on heavily greasy loads.

Ideal for heavy, greasy soils, and particulate soils
H2PRO Degreaser is ideal for wetcleaning loads such as industrial or food service workwear, where there is heavier greasy and particulate soils than in most average wetcleaning loads. H2PRO Degreaser is designed to be used in conjunction with the H2PRO Line of Professional Wetcleaning Products.

Clean Smarter With Water™. Use H2PRO.

Please read the H2PRO Degreaser catalog page for full details on usage instructions.

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